U steel arches, as the substitute for mine steel arches, are also required for market development. With the development of the coal and mineral industries, coal seams are getting deeper and deeper, and the pressure is increasing. The rigidly supported mine steel arches cannot meet the support needs of coal seams gradually,so U steel arches gradually emerged.
As a passive support, U steel arch has good mechanical properties, higher tensile strength and compressive strength compared with the mine steel arch. It can be used many times. U-shaped steel arch supports are widely used in mine roadways, especially in deep complicated roadways and soft coal seam roadways.
The two products use the same material, and the support performance varies depending on the shape. The U steel arch is composed of the following structures: top beams, column legs, connectors, inter-rods, and backing materials.
There are three types of column legs, one is a circular arc in the upper part and a straight line in the lower part; the second is all curved and has only one curvature radius; the third is all curved but has two curvatures radius.A base is welded under the leg, and the size of the base depends on the hardness of the base plate. The top beam is arc-shaped, and its number depends on the size of the roadway section, the support force, and the transportation conditions.
The connecting piece is a clamping device between the brace section and the intersection, which can play the role of intersection connection. It can also press the two sections of steel joints connected to provide pre-tightening force, so that the U-shaped steel has friction, so as to ensure U steel arch has a certain working resistance and a certain amount of shrinkage.
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