Rock bolt is the key to mine support. It affects the quality of rock bolt support, the orientation, depth, and accuracy of the hole and the quality of rock bolt installation. It also involves the operator's personal safety, labor intensity, and operating conditions. As one of the main support forms for underground engineering and rock slopes, rock bolts play an important role in maintaining the stability of civil engineering, especially in jointed fractured rock masses, where the rock bolt have a significant effect on strengthening the rock mass.
In fact, the use of rock bolts can be traced back to 1912. Since the Scherez mine in Germany first adopted rock bolts to support underground roadways, rock bolts supports have simple structures, convenient construction, low cost, and strong adaptability to projects. Features have been widely used in mining engineering. For example, China ’s Century Project-The Three Gorges Damt, uses a large number of rock bolts (clamps) to maintain the excavated slopes and rock walls in the dam construction. It is also an example of newly excavated mines and roadways supported by mines in coal mines in various countries. The project has a length of 2,000 km, which is enough to illustrate the importance of rock bolt support.
The rock bolt products produced by Zongxiang Steel Group include resin anchor bolt capsules, self drilling rock bolt, FPR bolt, etc., which can be applied in many tunnel projects. Customers of many projects purchase mine support products from our company. After that, the feedback on our products was very good.
With 22 years industry experience, Zongxiang Steel Group can provide you u steel arch, wire mesh, rock bolt and other mine support accessories. If you have any needs about our products, pls contact us for a quote.
Email: zxminesupport@zxsteelgroup.com
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